Meet our Board
SIPAM Institute is a non-partisan, independent, and not-for-profit organisation
Osman Farah, Chair
Osman has over 25 years’ management experience. He is a Master Mariner of ocean-going vessels. He started his career in 1985 at the Ministry of Fishing as a Ship Captain, which enabled him to explore and sail all over the world. In 1993, he joined CF Ahrenkiel Ship Management Co. in Cyprus as Operations Manager until 1997. He subsequently moved to Dubai and joined Swift Freight International as Manager for Sea-Air Operations where he gained recognition as the key person for all sea-air movement. Osman advocates for responsive and accountable public governance.
Abdi Dahir, Treasurer
Abdi has business and management skills with his established BSc. in Business Administration. He held different management positions in Somalia and Finland. In Finland, he worked for City of Helsinki which is the biggest employer in Finland, with over 39000 employees. Abdi is experienced in accounts, tax returns and using different accounting packages such as Econet, TS2000, Finn-finanssi, ProCountor, and QuickBooks.
Khadijo Osman, Ph.D., Secretary
Khadijo has a PhD from University College London (UCL), UK. She has worked in different institutions such as Birkbeck University of London. Her research and writing are focused in the fields of public health, reconciliation, social healing, and conflict transformation. She promotes social change through mutual accountability and policy.
Hussein Hagi Abdullahi, Ph.D., Board Member
Hussein has a PhD from Universita di Bologna, Italy. He is a well-known academician and practitioner in the public sector. He was Somali National University lecturer between 1976 and 1990. He worked for the Somali government for more than 20 years in various capacities.
Awale Ahmed, Board Member
Awale has worked in the education sector for over 20 years playing a wide range of admin, professional and technical roles. He has established and managed education centres in Australia, Malaysia and Djibouti. Awale leads Global Training Institute in Djibouti which specialises developing training personnel working in public administration.