Our practical and client-oriented training focus on building the capacities of public officials to address complex governance and management issues, as well as strengthening values in leadership and public service. At a time of complex and rapid change there is need for greater accountability, integration and mobility across the public service. Our innovative learning approaches will enable public servants to develop the necessary knowledge and capabilities to lead, manage, and immediately apply new insights to issues and to overcome challenges.
Our workshops and seminars aim to provide a succinct overview of current and upcoming organizational solutions, providing a forum for sharing best practices, and a platform for networking.
Training Directory:
Our wide range of training programs is grouped around 10 faculties:
● Human resources management,
● Interpersonal skills,
● Self-development,
● Public sector reform,
● Parliament,
● Monitoring and evaluation policies and projects,
● Accountability and compliance,
● Financial management and procurement,
● Municipal management development,
● Information and communication technology, and
● Marketing and communications
For training directory, please click here.